Join us in the AI revolution in farming!

Understand your animals, foster healthier herds, and enhance efficiency and sustainability.

 Transform your operations and boost profit today!

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ai revolution

A quick introduction

At Animals Ai, we’re dedicated to empowering farmers with AI-driven solutions for better livestock management. Learn how our services, from feed monitoring to calving, are making a difference in the industry.


The AI guard on your Farm

Our solution provides 24/7 monitoring of your livestock, interpreting your cows’ body language to address their individual needs and optimize resource use. 

Combining in-depth knowledge of artificial intelligence and animal husbandry, Djurvakt seamlessly integrates efficiency and sustainability, paving the way for a future of precision livestock farming.

24/7 Watchful Eye on farm

• Detect the unseen, capturing every detail

• Continuous insights for seamless shifts

• Cameras have your back

Amplify Your Animals' Voice

• AI-powered interpreter of your cows’ body language

• Address their individual needs

• No attachments to their bodies

From Efficiency to sustainability

• Optimize resources with AI precision
• Boost animal wellbeing for lasting productivity
• Eco-friendly choices through smart decisions.

Djurvakt AP[P


Now available on Android!

Be at the forefront of farming innovation! Join us as one of the first users of the Djurvakt app and revolutionize the way you manage your livestock. Sign up today and get ready to embrace the future of farming this summer. iOS Version is expected to be released within the coming months.

Some on-going projects

Calving prediction algorithm

Our Story

A startup with Vision

At Animals AI, we envision a future where every farm animal is given the opportunity to express their natural behaviors, live in comfort, and enjoy good health, all within the bounds of our planet. We believe in the power of AI to transform animal-based agriculture, making it more sustainable and humane. Our goal is to create a world where farming practices not only respect the five freedoms of animal welfare but also contribute positively to the health of our planet. Through our AI-driven solutions, we are committed to making this vision a reality, one farm at a time.